Blog Archive - March 2013

COOK Comic Relief Bake Sale

Posted on 12 March 2013

Tags: Comic relief, fun, news

What could be better motivation on a Monday morning than a whole table full of cake? This was the pretty picture greeted everyone at the kitchen yesterday morning: a delicious spread of home baked cakes for COOK's Comic Relief Bake Sale.


With this epic bake sale we managed to raise £300 at the kitchen for Comic Relief (this was definitely a result of our generosity rather than our greed). There was certainly something for everyone as evidenced by the sparse table at the end of the day. It was all cooked by the many closet bakers we have working here at COOK, who we'll definitely be pestering to share their talents more often! 

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COOK needs YOU

Posted on 2 March 2013

Tags: Franchise

Do you think you might have enough love for COOK to sell our remarkable meals? We’re currently looking for franchisees to help us set up new shops around the UK, and if you think you might have what it takes to run a successful COOK business then we would love to hear from you.

At COOK the only thing we love as much as food is people. Which is why, ever since we first started in 1997, we have continued to open up more and more shops across the UK: even while our online business grows. This means that we get to meet and talk to lots of our customers every day, people who are as passionate about their food as we are.

It may have all started with a small shop in Farnham, Surrey, but having moved into a large new kitchen in 2007 we now have more than 60 shops stretching from Morningside, Edinburgh to Jersey and Guernsey: 29 of these shops are franchised. 

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New COOK for Kids and Hungry Little Monsters

Posted on 1 March 2013

Tags: Food

Two, new hungry little monsters have joined our gang. To celebrate their arrival, our master biscuit-maker, Kendall, couldn't resist baking a batch of biccy monsters. We've given them their own little film - and don't worry when one of their legs goes missing, it tasted delicious.

Our monsters were drawn for us by the very talented Emma Yarlett. Emma's first illustrated book for children, Sidney, Stella & The Moon, is published next week. It's an absolutely beautiful book and you can pre-order it on Amazon by clicking here.  

Every COOK shop has a copy to give away as a prize for colouring in some monsters.

Download a colouring sheet here


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