Blog Archive - March 2022

Hot Cross Bun Recipe

Posted on 25 March 2022

Tags: Recipe

Imogen and John from our team had a hot cross bun off recently, and we’re sharing Imogen’s family recipe for you to try at home. John made a sourdough version from a recipe on the BBC. If you have a sourdough starter at home, you can try it here.

The main takeaway is that they are not for the fainthearted! But baking is good for the soul and the results were delicious, so we think it’s well worth it. If you share a photo of your creations on Facebook or Instagram, please tag us @theCOOKkicthen – we’d love to see. 

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Sweet Potato and Peanut Butter Curry Recipe

Posted on 4 March 2022

Theo Popper, NPD Chef

Veganuary has hit a new landmark this year with close to 610,000 people taking part. Whether you took the Veganuary pledge or just dipped your toe in the water, a lot of people find that one of the hardest things about making the vegan switch is the menu planning - thinking about what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

So, we spoke to one of our chefs, Theo, and asked him for a recipe recommendation to help us on our way, and he shared this with us: Sweet Potato and Peanut Butter Curry. There are similar recipes out there, but this is a variation on a theme, we’ve called it Theo’s Theme.

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