Blog Archive - February 2014

Celebrating 10 Years: Damien Payne

Posted on 17 February 2014

Tags: Chef, dale, founders

As you’ve hopefully noticed, we put the name of the chef who cooked each batch of our food on our packaging. A name you might have come across is Damien Payne. Last week was Damien’s 10th anniversary at COOK and our founder Dale has penned him a touching little tribute..

"From day one, Damien has been an integral part in the success of COOK. His passion for cooking and care in everything he does is a testament to this man’s commitment. When the chips are down Damien is the one you want at your side. His natural ability to motivate and inspire his peers is truly remarkable...."

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Win A Gourmet Dinner Every Week For a Whole Year

Posted on 13 February 2014

Loving isn't just for Valentine's, oh no. Make a weekly dinner date with your sweetheart and we'll cook your main course for a whole year. Yup, 52 delicious, hand-prepared dinners for two. By the year's end, you'll be a leviathan of love.

Just fill out the form here, say a little prayer, and wait... Less cooking, more loving ... every week!

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Healthy Green Juice With Broccoli And Kale

Posted on 1 February 2014

Tags: Healthy Eating, recipe, video, drink

Vibrant green in colour, this juice from Raw Food Detox by Anya Ladra contains more goodness than you can shake a stick at. At first glance the ingredients don’t scream ‘I’m delicious, drink me’ (who wants to drink broccoli of a morning?), however, with the addition of ginger, our January diet guinea pig Hannah can testify that it was in fact pretty scrumptious. 

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