The Results Are In!
Posted on 1 March 2018
We’re thrilled to announce that COOK has recertified as a B Corp with our highest ever score of 88.
If that means nothing to you, here’s the low down:
B Corp is a global movement of businesses who believe that they should consider people and the planet in the decisions they make, not just their profits. Governments and charities have important roles to play, but we believe that business is the most effective tool to bring about profound change. To be a B, you have to take a tough test on how you treat your staff, the society you work in, and the environment. And to stay a B, you have to retake the test ever two years (and it gets harder every time, to ensure progress). We scraped by in 2013 with 80 (less than that and you’re out); got 83 in 2015; and have now scored 88.
So far 60,000 business have taken the test, and their average score has been 55. We are part of a select few (around 2,000) that can proudly say that not only have we passed the test 3 times in a row, but also that we are getting better every time.
The assessment is for the whole business, so it’s not about doing one or two things – it’s lots and lots of little, sustainable changes that add up. For us they included switching to LED lighting in our Kitchens, paying a Living Wage to our team, and switching to 100% renewable energy in our Kitchens and company-owned shops.
We should point out that the maximum score is 200, so we’ve definitely still got lots of work to do. And that is only possible with your support, so thank you from all of us.
Do keep an eye out for the B Corp logo on products and websites. You’ll find it’s a diverse, vibrant and growing community. We’re proud to be part of it.