Good Relationships
Posted on 28 July 2017

In our company newsletter, the COOK Telegraph, we regularly feature interviews with people who have been brought together by COOK. We thought we’d share a few with you…

We’re interviewing the two-person team that put it together … ourselves, basically. A little egotistical, we grant you, but that’s how we roll…
John: Now I arrived at COOK in January last year - how long have you been here?
Hannah: Two years now. John: Give it to me straight: what's the most frustrating aspect of working on the Telegraph?
Hannah: When you take foreverrrrr to write the copy...and then it's full of typos. But, obviously, the best thing is the banter.
John: I ave yo kno th Tellygraph is owlways prouf red veri carefilly. Yeah, I suppose the banter is passable.
Hannah: What's the main benefit of the Telegraph, do you think?
John: It's a great way to bring the company together. Given how much COOK has grown, it can be easy to forget that we're all part of the same team, working together: logisitcs, cooks, prep, pot wash, the Puddings Kitchen, all the teams in the office, drivers, concessions, and all the shops. I love the Food Telegraph, too - Mary from Commercial does a great job gathering up all those stories up every month, so I'm not really involved beyond editing it. What about you?
Hannah: Yeah, thats a really good answer, it's a great way to get people to connect. At the minute I am really loving everyone's pallet creations that they are sending in. I have to ask: where do you find those awful jokes?
John: I love a bad joke, but I've been relying on Google for quite a while now.

Below we’re talking to Marie, the manager of COOK Battle, and one of her regular customers, Phillip Williams, a retired Met Police Officer who will be 81 this year.
CT: When did you first meet?
PW: My wife and I came in the first week the shop opened … and we were first through the door when it reopened after the recent refurbishment. We must spend 90% of our food bill with COOK!
Marie: I’ve been here since COOK Battle opened, 12 years ago.
CT: Run us through a typical visit to the shop.
Marie: He arrives before the shop officially opens for the day, but we always let him in early! He often comes with a list of dishes from his wife but always buys our pork Dijon, whether it’s on the list or not, as that’s one of his favourites. He is always happy and brightens our day.
CT: Do you just use COOK for meals for you and your wife?
PW: No, we use your food for family gatherings too. The whole family come for Christmas every year so we stock up on pies and so on. We’ve had the turkey for the last few years, too.
CT: So what’s your favourite COOK dish?
PW: The Rump Beef & Brandy, although I’ve actually just put one of your steak pies in the oven. It’s my turn to cook tonight.
CT: Are you a good cook?
PW: Oh yes. I can turn on the oven and open the door!
CT: Marie, what do you see as the greatest impact that the shop has on the community in Battle?
Marie: I think we are like a little hub and everyone knows they can pop in for a chat and a little taster of something nice, whether they are buying something or not. If someone wants to advertise a local event they know we will put a poster up on our community board or if they are holding a event for charity we will donate something nice and they can always make use our community discount.
PW: I must congratulate you and your staff – it really is a wonderful shop and everyone is always very helpful.
CT: Thank you both for talking to us!

Jess & Donna, COOK Puddings
CT: How long have you known each other?
JESS: About 18 months, since Donna started.
CT: And you both work in the kitchen?
DONNA: Yeah. Jess is a supervisor.
CT: What are the best pudding to make?
JESS: The ones that are cooked, like roulades and pavlovas. It’s more fun cooking than weighing and mixing.
CT: Do you both cook at home much?
DONNA [shakes head]: No! She does.
JESS: I love cooking. Moussakas, roasts, beef bourguignon, you name it.
CT: What do you like about working together?
DONNA: Jess is just always happy. You can’t be in a bad mood working with her.
JESS: Thank you! Donna’s so easy to talk to. She’s always calm. Just gets on and works hard.
DONNA: Well, this has been a nice ego boost!
CT: Thank you for talking to us.