B Corp Month
Posted on 1 February 2018
You may have noticed the little B that’s on all our packaging. That’s the logo of the B Corp movement. COOK has been a certified member since 2013, and we’re very proud to be part of it.
The idea behind the B is that business is the most potent tool for change in society and, more than charities or even governments, their impact can be sustainable, substantial and meaningful. And not just can, but should. If companies consider more than just profits, and factor in their effect on people, communities and the planet, then the world would be a better place. Lofty and idealistic? Perhaps. But we also think it’s plain common sense and an essential component of being the best business we can be.
An important part of being a B Corp is the external monitoring: every two years you take a tough test, which gets tougher every time, to check you are walking the walk, not just talking the talk. If you fail, you lose certification. We are extremely happy to say we have just recertified and, at the end of February (this year’s B Corp month), we will be announcing our latest score.
All this month, COOK and more than 2,000 other B Corps around the world, will be raising awareness about this important movement. So do take a look at the B Corp website and, if your company would like to join this growing community of like-minded businesses and you’d like to know more, do drop us a line at edwardanddale@cookfood.net