Goat's Cheese, Fig & Rosemary Tart

Goat's Cheese, Fig & Rosemary Tart Suitable

Puff pastry spread with fig, port and rosemary chutney, topped with a goat's cheese soufflé and garnished with caramelised figs and fresh rosemary sprigs.

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How We Make It At Our Kitchen

  • The fig and rosemary base is made by sweating sliced onions and garlic with chopped rosemary and thyme. Next we add port, demerara sugar and figs and cook until we have a sweet and sticky chutney.
  • The tart cases are made in our kitchen, too, by blind-baking puff pastry in square tart tins, which we then fill with the fig and red onion mix. We top this with crumbled goats cheese which has been whipped up with crème fraiche and egg.
  • Last but not least, it’s garnished with sprigs of rosemary and caramelised fig quarters.



Cooking/Serving Instructions


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