Action on Climate Change
Action on climate change – reducing our direct emissions
We believe that urgent and holistic action is required to tackle climate change.
Since October 2017 we have been purchasing 100% renewable electricity for our company owned shops and kitchens resulting in our carbon footprint shrinking by over one third. But we recognise we need to do more and are committed to act in line with the 2017 Paris Agreement’s stretch goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
This is why, we have set ourselves the target of being Net Zero Carbon in our direct operations by 2030 and working with the Carbon Trust, we have set ourselves a Science Based carbon reduction target that, if we achieve, will ensure we are doing at least our fair share. Our Science Based Target for our direct operations (Scope 1 and 2 emissions) is:
Reduce absolute greenhouse gas emissions 29% by 2025 from a 2017 baseline
This means that even as we grow as a business, we will be looking to reduce our emissions focusing on improving energy efficiency and exploring alternatives to the use of natural gas in our kitchens and diesel in our fleet.
Offsetting the carbon footprint of our direct operations
When it comes to carbon emissions, we believe the best approach is to reduce first and then offset. With plans in place to achieve reductions in line with our science base target we have decided to offset our Scope 1 and 2 carbon emission as we work towards Net Zero. Through these offsets we are carbon neutral in our direct operations.
Working with fellow B Corp Climate Care we offset these emissions by funding clean energy projects and a project that supplies new, efficient stoves to families in Kenya. The Burn stoves use 50% less fuel and reduce exposure to indoor air pollution. They are made locally, providing jobs and a boost to the economy. Each stove reduces CO2 by 1.4 tonnes a year. It’s a gesture – not a solution – to show our commitment to tackle climate change.
You can find out more about Burn and their stoves here, and Climate Care here (they have a nifty carbon calculator that can help you work our and outset your carbon footprint if you’re interested!)

Reducing our broader carbon footprint
We recognise that as a food company a significant proportion of the carbon footprint of our food will be associated with growing the ingredients we cook with and our customers cooking our food in their homes. We have started work to better understand the environmental impacts our food has from farm to fork and are looking to collaborate with farmers, suppliers, and customers on the best way to reduce this impact.